Tschüs. [Mod: [ich schätze das ist ein Übersetzungsfehler und solle „Hallo“ heißen?]] Morgen Československá pedofilní komunita (Czechoslovakian pedophile community - https://www.pedofilie-info.cz ) war in Prague pride.
I will not be at Prague pride, because I don't want that people (mainly little girls, that I personaly know and their parents) know, that I am pedophile.
Our community was at Prigue pride was last time two yeara ago. We want to educate people about pedophilia. We criticize sexual contacts with children.
Hallo aus Tschechien.
Die Pädophile im Prague pride 10.8. 2019
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- Registriert: Sa 27. Jul 2019, 15:30
- Wohnort: Tschechische Republik
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Ahoi! Ich würde gern mehr über diese Aktion hören, was da so gemacht wurde und wie es gelaufen ist.
♦ Ich: mnl ≈40 ♦ Präferenz: wbl 6-12, 20+ ♦ keywords: ADHS, Zeichnen, Bibel, Naturwissenschaften ♦
♦ Mein Buch: „Für ein Kinderlachen“ ♦ Mein Blog: Max’ 2 Cents ♦
»Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vornherein ausgeschlossen erschien.« (Albert Einstein)
♦ Mein Buch: „Für ein Kinderlachen“ ♦ Mein Blog: Max’ 2 Cents ♦
»Eine wirklich gute Idee erkennt man daran, dass ihre Verwirklichung von vornherein ausgeschlossen erschien.« (Albert Einstein)
- Mascha
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- Registriert: Sa 6. Mai 2017, 07:55
I saw the film "Daniel's World" at the Berlinale film festival some years ago
You probably know it as well?
There is shown that your activists are not accepted by the homosexual organisers of the pride... but they have been there later and nevertheless distributed leaflets.
Did the situation improve during the last years?
You probably know it as well?
There is shown that your activists are not accepted by the homosexual organisers of the pride... but they have been there later and nevertheless distributed leaflets.
Did the situation improve during the last years?
- Inaktiv
- Beiträge: 10
- Registriert: Sa 27. Jul 2019, 15:30
- Wohnort: Tschechische Republik
I saw Daniel's world too, but I don't act in this film, because I was 12 years old, when film was made.
Situation with Prague pride doesn't improve
Situation with Prague pride doesn't improve
- David
- Beiträge: 453
- Registriert: Sa 8. Apr 2017, 12:36
I think, it's amazing, that you guys go out there to educate people at these Pride-events. I have thought about possibilities to do something like this in Germany, more than once actually, but scrapped the idea, because I thought it to be far too dangerous.
Sad to hear, the situation didn't really improve. But let's hope for the best in the future. Stay strong <3
Sad to hear, the situation didn't really improve. But let's hope for the best in the future. Stay strong <3
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